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2013 Review and 2014 Goals

I have done these reviews and goals for a while, it is nice as a self-slap in the face and / or to see how things went good. Not that I try to follow my goals religiously, but I like to think of them as a path to follow, that some times it decides to take one or two unexpected turns. So, refreshing my last year’s post, these were my goals for 2013:

Learn or do something that pays for my travel bills.

Oh, no…, another huge fail! I actually kept going to the gym, this year I even changed gym twice…, but I also managed to “recover” those 8-9kgs I lost the year before…, this is definitely a goal to 2013! And I am going to go even further, I might even consider to attend to the Cork half marathon! (This is not a goal)

Yep, just two goals! One of my last year’s goals was not to make goals, and I guess I didn’t, so let’s review these two a bit.

Learn or do something that pays for my travel bills.

Nope, I didn’t. However I figured out what I really want to do, and what I am going to invest to make this become true. It will be damn hard to achieve, not a goal for 2014 definitely, but a life-term work in progress. I do love writing, I do love traveling, and I definitely do love to share my experiences with my peculiar sarcastic style, and with a bit of humor (some times). I want to become a travel writer, so I decided to make a big change on my blog.

I archived all my personal posts, they all are visible for those that have a registered account here, but I thought that would be nice to keep the blog clean as a travel blog. I also changed the template (I still need to tweak it a bit), I reorganized all the posts by new categories and new tags, and well…, a lot still to be done.

As for the income, not that is going to help much, but I added a small ads banner, not intrusive but might help in some way (or not).

Recover those 8-9Kgs I lost the year before

Ups! Nope, I didn’t…, but this was not a fail, au contraire, I bought a bike last May and I meant to use it only for weekend escapes, but I ended up surprising myself a lot, this last Summer was the best of the last 15 years in Ireland! I bike to work every single day for four months in a row! I saved money, I did a lot of exercise and I did a few detours outside Cork! I quit the gym though, with the bike I felt less motivated to go to an indoor area…

Overview of 2013

These reviews are very important for me, because I get a better perspective of how my life is changing reading my own words. The impact is unbelievable, reading old posts, written by me, and realizing that my life is changing so fast and though I can’t notice that unless I look back, it is kind of fascinating!

I wrote this for last year’s review:

This year ended up to be one, if not the one, of the best years of my life!

I could write the same for this year, but now I truly believe that hardly I’ll have such a big year! On a personal matter, so many things happened that I can’t still believe it, though most of them nor sharable on a public blog, sorry folks. But trying to sum a bit the things I can share: I did my first tattoo which, not surprisingly, it is related to my travels, I a greek meander; I bought my bike, and that really changed my routine! I went to Asia for the first time, publishing now my posts about Japan;

And though, this doesn’t sound “better than 2012”, the things that I won’t share beat any kind of event you can think of! I turned 30 this year, and this year also means a new beginning for me, I have a new birthday date to commemorate from now on.

Goals for 2014

Writing and speaking English is not an issue for me, but I want to take this travel writer thing really serious, and for that I decided to attend for some Advanced English classes which I’ll pay a bit for… but I see it as an investment.

I plan to visit another continent, I postponed Africa so or I’ll go to North America or Oceania, I might pick North America first…

By the end of 2014 I plan to be away from Ireland or being preparing my move. I learned to like this country, though I feel that I need another life changing event soon.

Still about Ireland, I am going to buy a car soon which I intend to use almost every weekend to discover new places in Ireland and share with you all my experiences!

As for the blog, I want to post at least once a week and avoid long posts (like this one).

And I think this is more than enough, and a lot of responsibility for one year already! Bring it on 2014, I challenge you to become better than 2013, like 2013 did with 2012!


Um comentário a “2013 Review and 2014 Goals”

  1. Well, good look with this!
    I’ll be having something up with my goals soonish, hopefully today. Let’s make a weight challange, the winner gets a pint 🙂

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