The Year 2015 in Review and Goals for 2016

The year 2015 is ending, so let’s talk about traditions! Do traditions make any sense? Maybe some do, but in my opinion, the commemoration of the end of a year isn’t one of them, after all, that will depend on which calendar you use. In another words, it’s just a matter of perspective. However, sometimes those traditions branch into other new traditions, more local or even family traditions, and those then start to make some sense, either sentimental or by convenience.

For me, these reviews are one of those traditions that make sense, I started writing them a few years ago (article in Portuguese), and honestly I don’t even know why I started doing that, but it became a very interesting practice. Mostly after moving to Ireland and then stumble with this surprise while reading the goals I had for that year, which I accomplished even without be aware of that. It’s quite interesting to set goals and then just let life follow its way without making a big deal out of it, and then just looking back and realizing how great our year was after all, even better than we thought. These kind of reviews always boost my mood, I look into detail how bad or great the year was, and usually things are way more positive than I expected them to be.

The Year 2015 in Review

Obviously, I’ll take into consideration my 2014 goals, which were few but precise. And honestly, I couldn’t be happier with the outcome!

Visit at least three new countries in 2015

Well, I’m not even sure where to start from…

This “travel year” started a bit late, but it was full of adventures nonetheless. In just one trip I passed through 5 new countries! Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia! One month later, I went to Scotland for the first time, and even though Scotland is (still) part of the United Kingdom, it is considered as a country (not independent). Goal achieved with distinction!

Become more active with the blog (for real)

I think this achievement is more than obvious as well! With exception for the period while I was on the road, I never missed any of my goals! The next article is regarding the blog and social platforms’ stats that are directly associated to the blog. But I guess that a total of 52 published articles, utill now, sprinkled between two languages, is a real proof that something went really well! Another goal achieved!

Paying attention to the stats and to my followers

My next article will get in more details regarding stats, but basically I worked quite hard so that I could increase the list of people that follow the blog, via twitter and Facebook, and also some other social networks where I invest some time. This was the hardest part, but also the most rewarding one, it’s possible to see in real time how the blog is doing, it was also with this background tasks where I learnt more during this year. Obviously I still have a lot to learn, and it is these background tasks that I want invest more during 2016.

And for last, an objective I added as a stretch goal.

For 2015 I also have a stretching goal, this one will be tough but hopefully I’ll do at least half of it! Ireland has an amazing tourism trail of 2500km, the Wild Atlantic Way. I plan to do this by bike in several different stages, maybe one weekend a month which would be about 200km a weekend… Yep, that’s just a stretching goal 

And here it is! A massive fail! I didn’t even cycled one km of this route…, but this goal won’t be postponed either. It was just for fun, and even if it sounds like an interesting adventure to share, I won’t add as a goal to 2016.

2016 Goals

Now the hard part! Goals… I’ll start by the easiest one then.

Visit a new continent

Yes, this one is indeed the easiest to achieve, considering I already have those flights booked, I only need to board and arrive safe and sound.

Start a new series of articles

My main goal for 2016, for the blog, is to create a stronger network of followers, and in mid 2016 I would like to start inviting people to write articles for my blog, expand my contacts and introduce other bloggers to those that follow me.

Targeting the Portuguese speakers as potential followers

During the year of 2015 I expanded, a lot, my list of followers on Twitter and Facebook, but since I decided to invest more time with writing in Portuguese, it makes also more sense to target those that in fact read the majority of my articles. So, for 2016, I want to get more people to read my articles and understand them.

Stretching Goal: More articles per month

Adventures are never outdated, but due the huge amount of articles I have in queue to write, I am already publishing articles a few months behind. Even though I managed to keep the rate of published articles, that was a goal for 2015, I want to start sharing more recent articles. Therefore, after my 2016’s big trip, I’ll invest way more time to write articles, and hopefully increase the rate of published articles to one per week. And in order I can do this, I’ll need some time to write articles, so I foresee that I can only start sharing more articles after June or July. Anyway, here’s the stretch goal.

And I guess this sums up everything, 2015 was an excelente year for the blog, 2016 looks bright as well  packed with new adventures to share, so that’s what I hope for.


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