To start this new photography series, nothing better than my own country, that has so much to see! By the end of that road you can see an island, Pessegueiro Island, at the Alentejo’s coast. I took this photo in 2012 on my way to Algarve, by the coast, with my parents, nephew and niece. By then I was already living in Ireland, each time I go back to Portugal I look at my country from a different perspective, with more pride.
This place, besides it’s natural beauty, it is also part of my childhood’s memories where I spent some short holidays several years ago, with my parents. I don’t remember much in detail, but I remember what I felt. When I wrote the article 5 places in Portugal I recommend to visit, I had this place in mind, and I’ll repeat what I said, this region should really be on your bucket list!
Pessegueiro means “peach tree” in Portuguese, but unlike you might think, there is no peach tree in the island. The origin of this island’s name comes from a mistranslation, of the evolution of the word in latin, piscatorius or piscarium. Which used to refer to the fishing area and fishing preparation that used to take place there during roman times.

By the end of the XVI century, during the Philippine dynasty, it was projected and started the construction of the Saint Albert of Pessegueiro Fortress, also known as just Pessegueiro Fortress. Nowadays those are the ruins you can find on the island.
Today the Pessegueiro island is well-known and popular as a beach destination in Portugal, very close to another quite popular place which is Porto Covo, town that is the administrative seat of which the island is part of.
Where is the Pessegueiro island?
Where to stay near the island?
And before ending this article, here’s a song (in Portuguese) mentioning this island, which I listened to while I was writing this article.
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