Etiqueta: North Macedonia
10 Tips on How to Prepare a Trip (to the Balkans)
Usually I like to leave my plans open, but in the past I had some not so good experiences. But it is with those experiences that we learn how to avoid the same mistakes to happen again. For this trip, the plan wasn’t for just one country, but for a whole area. A trip of…
What to visit in Ohrid in North Macedonia?
When we think about visiting a country, the first thing that most people think of is “we will visit its capital”. North Macedonia is one of those few countries I visited without even passing through its capital. But in this case, I passed by a city that was a capital long ago, a visit to…
My route through the Balkans, from Zagreb to Athens
Being back from an adventure through the Balkans, it’s time to start writing about it. My first article of this series is about the route I took from Zagreb to Athens, the places I passed through and the reasons why.